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Live Light Well

Eat Well - Fast, Eat Life



Original Foods

Learn why a Hebraic live-it (not die-yet) of original, home grown, non-hybrid and non-GMO foods are a pillar of healthly living


The Benefits of Fasting & Juicing

Learn why taking the bad out with fasting as a form of detoxification is just as important as getting the good in. Abstinance from food makes your heart grow healthier and fonder of the Most High.


Body Detoxification & Grounding

Outdoor hiking, exercise, and earthing helps detox and sheild your body from chemical and radiation fields. fabrics, lotions soaps and potions you put on your body can help with this too. And internal use herbs, clays and extracts also help cleanse your temple.

A Hebraic Lifestyle is essential to keeping Torah.

This book is summed up in this page but goes into detail in the book listed below.

Original Foods: East Well Eat Life

Fresh organic heirloom tomatoes straight

Photo Above: An original heirloom yellow watermellon. Note the large seeds.

But isn't eating biblically archaic? Haven't we evolved?

Where can I get the best plant-based foods

The Maker's Menu says: "...Every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in that which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." Gen 1:29. So, plant based foods are equal to meat? Yes. Plant based food is the key to long life and health. Only original (Yah)-made foods are alkaline. This means they are not acidic, so they won't rob your bones or cells of essential minerals. Dr. Sebi's alkaline, plant based foods are part of the protocols for eating you will learn. You may view food lists my YouTube Channel Live Light Well: We are "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made."

Overwhelming studies by Dr. Campbell's China Study and the studty of 7th Day Adventist who eat the Maker's Menu prove the biblical diet is the healthiest. Following biblical food law is essential to maintaining health. The Most High knew we would enter a time when our food would be contaminated by environment, GMO's, hybridization and flesh defiled by contaminants. And mixing one seed with another. Today human flesh has even entered our fast foods. There is nothing wrong with eating meat, fish, and poultry. But bio-accumulation of toxins is higher in flesh. And you are what you eat. It's more toxins that your body has to cope with eliminating and separating from the nutrients. Most of all, like most herbivores, we have long digestive tracts better suited to vegetables. Animal flesh tends to stay longer in the gut and increase acidity, gut plaque build-up, which invites parasites to come in and have a meal and even stay a while. And then you have to get rid of them. Fasting & Body Detoxification and Healing Reactions are 3 MORE WAYS TO PURGE THEM:

A plant based diet grown in your own garden and knowing your local farmer is the best option for good health. Locally grown foods strengthen your immune system because they contend with local contaminants, bacteria, parasites viruses and pathogens. They prepare, protect you and derive the benefits from the environment you live in. Farmer's markets and even large chains now supply organic foods. But more than anything, Home grown is the best. Always use your senses to compare store bought to home-grown or farmer's market foods to see what they say about the authenticity of the food. See how it looks, smells, tastes... A wild apple is the most nutritious and turns brown, or oxidizes immediately. This oxidation, when it hits your lymphatic system oxygenates your body, driving out pathogens out of your GUT, LYMPH so acidity doesn't build up and compromise your bones. Oxygen in the body aids it in eliminating toxins, and delivering minerals like vitamin C. An apple that doesn't turn brown immediately won't do this as well. Notice... what your senses tell you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made!


When you Fast and Pray!


WHEN you fast and pray... Matt 6:16

But isn't eating biblically archaic? Haven't we evolved?

Out of your belly shall flow living waters... John 7:38

Why fasting is good, 70% of your lymph is in your gut. Fasting cleanses the lymph, which removes toxins and provides nourishment to the body. According to Dr. Paul C. Bragg, fasting improves the skin and muscle tone. The digestive substances in the body move to mobilize crystals and other toxins that have built up and are residing in the tissues and joints and remove them. Fasting causes you to look younger by tightening the skin. Your body stops sloughing off cells and instead, strengthens what remains. Bragg found fasting aids in dragging poisonous toxins from the body.

Overwhelming studies by Dr. Campbell's China Study and the studty of 7th Day Adventist who eat the Maker's Menu prove the biblical diet is the healthiest. Following biblical food law is essential to maintaining health. The Most High knew we would enter a time when our food would be contaminated by environment, GMO's, hybridization and flesh defiled by contaminants. And mixing one seed with another. Today human flesh has even entered our fast foods. There is nothing wrong with eating meat, fish, and poultry. But bio-accumulation of toxins is higher in flesh. And you are what you eat. It's more toxins that your body has to cope with eliminating and separating from the nutrients. Most of all, like most herbivores, we have long digestive tracts better suited to vegetables. Animal flesh tends to stay longer in the gut and increase acidity, gut plaque build-up, which invites parasites to come in and have a meal and even stay a while. And then you have to get rid of them. Fasting & Body Detoxification and Healing Reactions are 3 MORE WAYS TO PURGE THEM:

According to Professor Mark Matson, a leading expert the effects of aging on the brain intermittent fasting also decreases the chances of Alzheimer’s, Dementia and memory loss. With intermittent food restriction, mice will live longer with normal learning and memory, up to about 30 years longer in human terms. New neurons grow during sporadic bouts of hunger. Fasting stresses your brain matter the way exercise stresses your muscles!

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Original Foods: East Well Eat Life

flat bread-5.png
Natural Herbs

Body DETOX Earthing

What you put on your body is as important as what you put in it.

Out of your belly shall flow living waters... John 7:38

What helps help to cleanse and detoxify the body, remove heavy metals, parasites, viruses and pathogens? GETTING OUTSIDE - outdoor hiking, exercise, earthing and various electromagnetic resonance therapies help to detox and sheild your body from chemical and radiation fields. Because we live with excitotoxins, vaccines, chemtrails, hormones and steroids and various pollutants polluting our bodies, it is essential to regularly remove their influence from our bodies and change the terrain of our body so that it does not invite or keep disease. Clay packs and just being near rocks, the ocean, drinking fresh, oxygenated spring water and experiencing the negative ions in nature resets your body's electromagentic field.

The head is the first place of attack. How can you cover your head from disease? By using healthy hair products, not chemically processing your hair, or using any artificial products. Body creams, lotions, or environmental agents like cleaning fluids, air fresheners all effect our body's level of toxicity. We have healthy ways to reduce your level of bio accumulation. Bio Accumulation is when toxins mount up in your system via food, environment and body, cleaning, and clothing products. Buying natural, essential oil-based cleaning products, vinegar or tree sap based cleaning products are the healthiest to clean with.

And the leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations." Rev. 2:22. Only special Herbs are a manageable way to begin healing. Combining herbs and an alkaline diet with active, spiritual and environmental care are some of the ways I coach you to find healing for your body.

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Fearfully & Wonderfully Made:
The Body's Design Ordered Like the Earth Ordered Like the Temple

The design of the  body is directly connected to the earth's design. This is because  the earth was created to be a Kingdom for us by Yah.  I produced a video Fearfully & Wonderfully Made to demonstrate this so you can know you are fearfully and wonderfully made. And you can make your way to eternal health. The key to optimum, eternal health is the salvation of your soul, heart, mind and body health in knowing the Most High, Yah. He is your maker who created the design and order of things to keep you in perfect health in every way.


I wanted to start with looking at the earth, because we were formed from it and it is a type of body. The biblical description of the earth lines up with a model of the earth as a plane. This part of the key to the design of the body and healing. In my observation of the procession of life, I always saw that Yah worked macro and micro on all levels of his design, hence they Beyt symbol for the earth and the human in  embryo  form fit the "Golden Ratio" inside all of creation. 


 It is the same on earth as it is in heaven. Pleaser review the video, "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made" for more information. Knowing how PHYSICALLY and spiritually close your maker is to you can enhance your confidence in Yah.  Knowing who you are, what your purpose is, and that you are loved and in community is essential to spiritual (psyche means spirit) health. As we think in our hearts so  are we.


Our choices and decisionswork in thought, word, then deed, and this effects our spirit and sense of wholeness. When you know the truth that you are loved by your maker, you are part of a true family, and you have purpose and value makes you whole. Knowing your errors are forgiven and that you have been redeemed from it helps you to be able to perform your mission in this life. In doing so, you will do the things that bring yourself and others life. 


Please read the blog for more on healing. And listen to a psalm of healing as a meditation for more revelation on how we enter into healing.


As women carry life,  learning the truth about how Yah sees us is essential to psychological health. Please watch the video for more on this connection to life.

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