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Writer's pictureRacheal Williams

Was Noah’s Ark A Microcosm of the Earth? How was it all preserved?

Updated: Dec 12, 2024

In Genesis 6:17, Yahwah says everything under heaven and in the earth shall be destroyed. "And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die." Were there fish? How was "everything" stored and how did every creature survive?

Was Noah’s Ark a kind of microcosm of the Earth? It is my opinion that the ark was set up like a mini manifestation of the earth's order. With levels. Bottom feeders on the bottom, then humans, land animals in the middle and birds and insects up top.

The ark was about the size of a football field, and we have seen many sports domes this size. Here is a 3D rendering: Noah’s Ark. Here is another done by Hebrew Chrystal Moe Art.

In the same way cruise ships have cabins, pools, kitchens on them, a veritable microcosm of the world could be housed in the ark, via the genius of Yah. Today, the Louisiana Viking Cruise ship is about the size of Noah’s Ark.

The vessel measures 450 feet in length and is 75 feet wide with a total of five decks. Viking is calling it the largest and most modern cruise ship operating in the region. Read more at: Viking.

Genesis 16:16 says the Ark had 3 levels. So it is so with the heavens and earth and under the earth. Philippians 2:10 through11 says in the end, all shall bow to Yahwah, "Of things in heaven, (where birds fly), and things in earth and things under the earth."

Ark implies an arc, like the snow globe or bow shape of the dome of the earth. And there are many National Botanic Gardens all over the earth functioning as such today.

I know an elder who is a teacher, Miriam Rena whom Yah gave revelation on this to teach children. But I can’t find her notes, which are way more detailed and coded regarding the number 7 pairs and the 3 levels of the earth. If I find it I may do a teaching as I have been writing a book on the geography of the earth and land lots really since 2022.

Noah brought 7 clean animals onto the ark. Gen 6:20 says, take with you seven pairs of clean animals, a male and his mate, and a pair (one pair) of animals that are not clean, the male and his mate, and seven pairs of the birds of the heavens also, male and female, to keep their offspring alive on the face of the earth."  Why? The seven (7) to one (1) ratio means the clean had the unclean to consume waste. And the unclean did not create too much waste to make the ark toxic. As the unclean might.

Genesis 6:20 says: Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive.

Each of the pairs was after their “kind.” What does that mean? Only one species of horse, cat, wolf would need to be brought as diversification is built into the genetic code for adaptation. From one pure horse you get zebras, donkeys, etc. You get a Tiger, Leopard from the Lion.

Animals had to be used for sacrifice and the family of 8 only began to consume the meat offering and flesh post flood, so likely the family consumed vegetable food storage.

Genesis 6:21 And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten, and thou shalt gather it to thee; and it shall be for food for thee, and for them.

Joseph did store enough for Egypt for seven years and used clay and diatomaceous earth to keep food stores from going bad which others in Egypt did not know how to do. It would have likely first been done on the ark. Or seasonally pre flood.

As there are inner earth worlds and ecosystems with no above earth sunlight as mentioned in the book, The Smokey God, they likely created a microcosm of the earth as an ecosystem like China’s Xiaozhai Heavenly Pit. And as there is nothing new under the sun, they likely had superior technology for preservation and artificial light. Which we see in the pyramids, star forts and “Old World” pre flood.

Fresh water could not just be stored and captured due to the “rain,” but a system could also be mimicked. As we see with fountains and fish tanks and hydroponics.

We have seen hydroponic ecosystems, where things are recycled as in the earth. Birds in the arc could eat seed, herbs but also the worms and flies composting. Pigs and worms and slugs could deal with human waste and the compost. We have septic tanks today, so it’s likely old tech. Likely there was exhaust, as there were windows in the top of the ark.

Genesis 6:16 says, “You shall make a window for the ark, and you shall finish it to a cubit from above” (A cubit is roughly 18 inches). This was likely for ventilation purposes. Many Hebrew scholars translate this as multiple windows for light and ventilation, hence the animations linked above depict them.

The Hebrew word is H6671 and H6672, strong's concordance has it as, ṣāhar, צֹהַר can mean oil, glistening or light of noonday. The heavens, or in Hebrew, shamayim above is made of water and oil. It is where the head and light of creation dwells. A cubit from above, may mean an opening of 18 inches to or from the height of the entire roof. The first letter of the Hebrew word sahar is the "tsad," which means to pursue, the next letter, the "hey" means the breath of life, and the "r" or "resh" is the head, first, leader, as in the creator. So the sky or heavenly opening for lots of light and ventilation sounds about right.

Because the Shamayim is oil and water, or aysh, fire, there is a lake of fire before the throne of Yahwah. In the deluge the fresh water fish may have been traumatized by the brimstone, salt water, so likely they were stored on the ark. Daniel 7:9-10, “…the Ancient of Days took His seat…A stream of fire issued and came out before Him…The word for "stream" here is "nahar" in Hebrew, meaning, water, river.” And Revelation 20:14 is the second witness, "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death."

Genesis 6:12, And God looked upon the earth,and, behold, it was corrupt;for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.

Note the emphasis is, "upon the earth."

But there are also fresh water streams beneath the earth that they may have been preserved in. This is confirmed in Enoch XXVI, 3. "And I saw towards the east another mountain higher than this, and between them a deep and narrow ravine: in it also ran a streamunderneath⌉ the mountain." However Yahwah did "open up the fountains of the deep," in Genesis 7:11, so maybe they did need to be preserved. But in Genesis 1"...God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds," but there is not a mention of the things in the water being destroyed. Only the things "in the earth." Hence we have Satan's "Marine Kingdom."

Also, we have seen many Science Fiction films, books etc. depicting space “arks” as in a Space Odyssey 2001 and Silent Running. And again there are books and real underground worlds with fully functioning ecosystems, creatures, water and all.

With 120 years to build, and five months afloat until the rain stopped, it’s likely Noah did build a tiny ecosystem that was the precursor to it all such today, per Yahwah’s instructions. Yahwah is highly efficient and makes all things work together for our good. He knew what he was doing when he decided to save the world and his Adam.

Remember, the very temple of Yahwah is also a kind of Ark, also. As are we built to house his leadership, Spirit and code. On earth as it is in heaven! To Yahwah be the glory. Shalom.

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