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Writer's pictureRacheal Williams

INTO ALL TRUTH – ORDER for Prayer & Video & Private Studies - RACHEAL

Updated: 4 days ago

Welcome to our advanced teaching site and channel, valued by top educators in Yahsharel and among Gentiles grafted in (and the unwelcome enemies of Yah, Nephimum, government or secret societies). For questions, please email us at We encourage respectful comments.

The listeners to Into All Truth are very advanced in their pursuit of Yahwah and his word; this rarely applies to you or me as we all endeavour to be perfect. However...

Please only ask questions supported by two or more references from teachings, our videos and scriptures. 1 Tim 1:5, rebuke not an elder, touch not his anointed nor do his prophets any harm, Psalm 105:15. I am a 58-year-old Levy, elder, teacher for almost 10 years; please fear Yah and remain safe in his will.

The purpose of our video teachings, prayer and study groups is to go through the scriptures together and to learn to study the word. As we see below, “no scripture is of any private interpretation.’ And it is what Yah says, not what we think or believe.


HEART AND MINDSET:  STUDY PRINCIPALS: WE ARE “REMADE” IN YAH’S IMAGE – Understand HIS WAY, not by your ways or the world’s ways.

RISE UP IN YAH’S IMAGE IN YAHWASHA - DIE TO THE IDOLS OF SATAN’S RELIGIONS, THE WORLD & THE IDOL OF SELF We are putting ourselves to death. We are killing the Idols of the World, and the “Idol of Self” as we are CONFORMED to Yah’s image. For “Now we see through a glass darkly but then we shall see face-to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.” 1 Corinthians 13:12


YAHWAH  What the world calls a “God” but whom we call "Aluhym," the third word in Genesis 1:1. This is his title. Seminary teaches the opposite of the actual Hebrew. It was changed over 7000 times in scripture to “Lord.” Not a jot or tiddle of the word is to be changed per Revelation and Daniel. This is the creator of all, the Aleph and the TAW, or beginning and end. He exists in all, through all and is above all, omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all seeing and knowing), all present (omnipresent) everywhere present. He is outside of time and eternal, inside time and he created time. He never came to consciousness; he always was and is and will be and was never created. He is faith, hope and love. LORD means Ba’al, a pagan word for master, all other gods are really derived from fallen angels, AKA “Nephilim,” or “El’s”. That includes “you.” The judges in Israel were also called "god" or aluha.


You must not invoke the names of other gods; they must not be heard on your lips.” Exodus 23:13 This is Yah’s command to his people. Ezekiel 44:23 “The are to teach make a difference between the holy (chodesh, set apart) and the profane and cause them to discern between the clean and unclean.” This is why we use the name Yahwah has us call him and the family of Yah, we want to obey him because it gives us life. As 1 John 3:4 tells us: Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. And, Psalm 19:7, “the Law of Yahwah is perfect, converting the soul.”

RWACH CHODESH – This replaces Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit in Hebrew. Spirit is an okay word to be used. But the “Rwach” is the Hebrew word for the set apart Spirit of Yah. The Rephaim or “offspring of the fallen angels” today wander the earth as “Ghosts” not being made for heaven or earth, or Sheol, they are demons who seek to possess you and be worshipped. Rwach is a feminine noun. This is the “Spirit” of Yahwah in the family of “Yahwah.”

YAHWSHA HA MESSIACH–is the most perfect pronunciation of the Saviour’s true Hebrew name. It has the name of Yah in it. YHWH – YaHWshaH, meaning, Yah is salvation, because salvation is in his name and Yah saves. Before it is ever mentioned in the Renewed Covenant, the name Yahwasha, Strong’s H3091is in the Torah and Tanakh, scripture 218 times It means Yahwah is Salvation. He comes in the name of the son’s of Yahsharel/Jacob and in other ways because the family of Yahsahrel are precursors for Messiach, going back to Enoch and the order of Melchezadok. It derives from:

YHWH and יָשַׁע Strong’s Yasha H3467, savour deliverer, help, avenger, defender, victory. The root word for that is: H3468 - יֵשַׁע yēshaʿYsha = deliverance, salvation, rescue, safety, welfare. This is tied to the word:


H3469 – יִשְׁעִי yišʿî "isihi" YshaY are the real letters, not Ishi = "He saves me" This is why the word in Hosea 2:16-17 , says “And it shall be at that day, saith Yahwah, that thou shalt call me Ishi; and shalt call me no more Baali. For I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name.” Lord or Baal, translates as husband/master or “Lord.” The false name given to Yahwah by the Greeks. And is also a demon. But Yshay,” has two Yads, two right hands binding is more indicative of marriage. This is the name of the prophet, “Isaiah,” YshayYa. Again, here we have Yahwah’s name. Yah was the husband of Yahsharel from the beginning, and had to remarry us via Messiach, so this word is appropriate as a form of salvation. Yahwah our betrothed, husband.

H3470 -  יְשַׁעְיָהyᵊšaʿyâ Isaiah, which is really YashaYah – Yahwah  "Jehovah has saved", this occurs in the scripture 39 times.

H1954 הוֹשֵׁעַ Hosea also means salvation and deliverer for which the prophet is named.

The name for the Saviour, Yahshua יְשׁוּעָה hawy, really spelled Yshwah, is also used. It means “he saved.” H3443 - yēšûaʿ יֵשׁוּעַ, is mentioned in scripture once, in one spelling, once in the masculine as the name of one of the priests of Levy who restored the second temple in Esra 5:2. There is a “feminine” version of this word mentioned 67 times. H3444 - yᵊšûʿâ saved, i.e. (abstractly) deliverance; hence, aid, victory, prosperity:—deliverance, health, help. So it is used 68 times. I want you to remember the Rwach, Chodesh is feminine. So we see the intertwined functions of the father, Rwach and son in salvation.


So Yahwasha and Yashwa are used a total of 68+218 times, 286 times. But “Jesus” is never used, ever.


Others say Yahushuwa (only found once only in the dead sea scrolls). I also avoid it because:

H7770 שׁוֹעַ Shuah the Canaanite wife Judah married against Torah’s command means wealth and to “blot out.” It is also the name of the Hindu god of destruction. It means to make or render nothing and make vain. שׁוֹעַ H7769 – It can also be rooted into to cry for help in vain. Job 19:7. The same sound but opposite word H7769 means to cry for help with profit and benefit, to halooo and be delivered.

Shua means to “blot out,” and “wealth” or ransom, the saviour does blot out sin and pay a ransom, but salvation is what he truly does, which includes that, so the name I have provided involves all three. And it is not dubious.

In terms of pronunciation of the name, there are accounts of the “u” being pronounced, “ooo” but that is thought to be a Japhetic pronunciation. Not Shemetic. Like the “v” not being hard but “waaa” soft, and the “J” only being invented 500 years ago. All “J’s” in the bible are actually “Y” the yad, or right hand of Yah. Who is the “Author.” He is also Yahwasha himself, the word of Yah who sits at Yah’s right hand, not on a second throne but “is” Yah’s right hand. The word “Jesus” is never ever mentioned anywhere in Torah and Tanakh. The first Tablet. But Yahwasha is mentioned many times and has a number of forms.

Some say Yahawashai, is ious because it ends in “AI” an actual demon’s name, one of the highest demons after which the technology of the mark of the beast is used with and it is the second city Yahsharel conquered upon return to the land. So, it’s dubious.


Why do we not use Jesus? “Yeshua” or “Jesus” — Which?  “It is known that the Greek name endings with sus, seus, and sous were attached by the Greeks to names and geographical areas as means to give honour to their supreme deity, Zeus.” -Dictionary of Christian Lore and Legend Professor J. C. J. Metford “Some authorities, who have spent their entire lives studying the origins of names believe that “Jesus” actually means – “Hail Zeus!” For Iesous in Greek IS “Hail Zeus.” “Ie” translates as “Hail” and “sous” or “sus” translates as Zeus. The English name “Jesus”, therefore, stems etymologically from “Jupiter-Zeus” the chief god of the ancient Greek Olympus.” - Biblical Research Institute; 1996 by Les Aron Gosling. “Sous” also means pig. Gia means earth. Jesus means “Earth Pig.” “Isus” also refers to Esau and Edom, the ultimate enemy of Israel.


Yah the savior or salvation and anointed one, in the flesh, the deliverer or, respectively, the wealth replaces “Jesus.” Why? 666 ChiXus - Jesus or Isous (video link) as written in Revelation 12. The number of the beast and its name. This is the Antichrist. Jesus means “Hail Zeus” or honours the Pagan Roman god Zeus. The prefix "chi" contains "ai," which is actually "AI," a demon.


To conclude and finalize, the letter “J” never existed until about 450 years ago and never in Hebrew. “Gian Giorgio Trissino (1478–1550) was the first to explicitly distinguish I and J as representing separate sounds, in his Ɛpistola del Trissino de le lettere nuωvamente aggiunte ne la lingua italiana ("Trissino's epistle about the letters recently added in the Italian language") of 1524. Originally, 'I' and 'J' were different shapes for the same letter, both equally representing /i/, /iː/, and J”. – Wikipedia.


MESSIACH We use the word Messiach because it is Hebrew. Christ is derived from the Egyptian concept of anointing, they placed their people in oiled coffins as they do today in the west, America. Not in stone tombs like Yahsharel. We do not say “Christ” because it is what Tammuz and ancient Satanic or Babylonian gods referred to their so-called “Christ” as.


There is also a false Christ and a sect of a false religion called the Cretons. They say it just means to anoint with oil. But I use Hebrew because it is the language of creation, and Yahwah means exactly what he says. Religions of other nations are often coded and mean something else. Messiach means the “Anointed one.” Anointed to rule as King and Priest.


ISRAEL – YAHSHAREL As there are no “J’s” in Hebrew, and “I” is often changed from “Y” for the Yad in Yahwah’s name, to the Ayin, the true name of Israel is Yahsharel. It means, Yah saves the leader. It has “Yah” as a prefex. I will use Yahsharel to describe the “true nation of Yahshsrel.” The “I” or Ain is symbolic of the “all seeing eye of Horus” the Egyptian god, or Satan. It often replaces the Hebrew letter “Yad” or “Y” which represents the right hand of the maker, or Yahwasha, the saviour the word and physical hand by which all things were created. So I make this distinction. Yahwah says his people are called by his name. So here we get Yahwah’s name at the beginning of the name of the nation who are also the actual temple. And we will find Yahwah’s land is also called by his name, which we will discuss when we describe the land of Shem.


THE JEWS – YAHUDAH We will also refer to the southern kingdom and people of Yahsharel as “Yahuda, Yahudi or Yahudeen,” plural.” These can all be referenced in the Jewish Encyclopedia.


Please look at the word anew.


Imagine you cheated on your husband (or wife) and he took you back. While you were away you got so confused that when you came back to your faithful husband, always compared the person you cheated with to him, and gave credit to all he did for you to the person you cheated with. And you even dared to call him by the name of the person you were unfaithful with? That’s how Yah sees it. And he is the creator of you and everything. He is not just your boss, not just your husband, or father or mother, whom you would surely call what they asked you to call them, but this is The Most High. Please use his name as written in Hebrew, the language of creation.


Refrain from comparing any other faith to his, not “Christianity,” Buddhism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Islam, Magic.... He is the first, is the way.

Worldly standards are not the standard. That includes Christian ones. What is on the page is all that matters. Please view our "Statment of Faith" on our home page to understand what we believe about Yahusha and Yahua. We believe that there is a godhead as written in scripture. We see Yahua come in many forms. Father, Ruach, Son, Angel and many elements like a consuming fire, a rushing wind, light and more. Yet he is one, ecad, whole and Yahua is the head, the Most High. We believe what is on the page, the word, who is Yahusha/Law.

Please consider: "everything else," all "doctrines" as named by Christianity or other religions, though it may contain partial truth, as a corruption. By the WORD, YAHWSHA, ALL things were created. They are what YAH says, what he calls a thing, practice, it is, not what another religion says. He is the originator.


Again, “You must not invoke the names of other gods; they must not be heard on your lips.” Exodus 23:13 This is Yah’s command to his people. Ezekiel 44:23 “The are to teach make a difference between the holy (chodesh, set apart) and the profane and cause them to discern between the clean and unclean.”




1.     MY WAYS ARE NOT YOUR WAYS: MY WAYS ARE HIGHER THAN YOUR WAYS HIS IMAGE-“NOT YOURS” Like Yahusha “You Die.” And are risen in life. Yah is LIFE “CHAYA”

Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith YAHUA. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

2.     THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS WITHIN YOU! You are Chodesh, set apart. You have the CODE within you.  YAHUA IS & WE ARE PREPARING YOU TO BE A PRIEST

a.     As part of a “Nation of Kings and Priests.” Exodus 19:6 “And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation." – How is Yahua communicating his word to YOU as you read?

b.    READING THE WORD: What is the Ruach showing YOU? WHAT does the word “say,” not what did the church teach or Buddhism, or what does doctrine say? What does it, the WORD say, right in front of you? Read it with new eyes!!!


a.     Revelation 1:8 I am Aleph  and the taw   , the beginning and the ending, saith Yahua, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

b.     Isaiah 46:10  “Declaring the end from the beginning,” And from ancient times things which have not been done, Saying, ‘My purpose will be established, And I will accomplish all My good pleasure’;

c.     Ecclesiastes 1:9 Whatever has happened, will happen again; whatever has been done, will be done again. 10 "Look," they say, "here is something new!" But no, it has all happened before, long before we were born.

d.     Ecclesiastes 7:8 The end of a matter is better than its beginning; Patience of spirit is better than haughtiness of spirit.


a.     Malachi 3:6 "For I am YAHUA I do not change; Therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob.


Deuteronomy 17:6 On the evidence of two witnesses or three witnesses, he who is to die shall be put to death; he shall not be put to death on the evidence of one witness.

2 Corinthians: This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.

2 Peter 1:19-21 And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but chodesh (holy) men of Yahua spoke as they were moved by the Ruach Chodesh (Holy Spirit.)

c.   LAW OF FIRST MENTION First mentions can be helpful and useful in our study of the Bible. The law of first mention is not a rigid standard, but a helpful guideline when used along with other rules of solid hermeneutics.


5     THE HEBRAIC THOUGHT IS FUNCTIONAL: BEING, MOVING, DOING, not abstract and is completely tied to Yah’s COMMANDMENTS – “In Yahua we live and MOVE, and have our being.” ACTS 17:28 Faith in Yahua is evidenced by WORKS. But your WORKS do not redeem or save, they are the FRUIT of following the COMMANDS. “The Law (Commandments) of Yahua is perfect, converting the soul. The testimony of Yahua is sure, making wise the simple.” Psalm 19:7-14. It is how we are sanctified. How truth is proven in us.



We may mix studies with prayer. But we need to be efficient with our time. If you have any questions about scripture, that are not susinct and won't receive a brief answer, please submit questions later as a private question if it is not in agreement with what is being taught. And submit any differences on the word with 2 or more witnesses on both sides of the issue to prove your research. Men especially, we expect action from you as future heads. We must all work out our salvation with fear and trembling. We are to study to show ourselves approved. That is Yahua's requirement. But prayer groups are not for discussion, only prayer. Studies may permit short questions and ruach led comentary. Do not comment unless led by the Ruach to do so.



7   GIFTS OF THE RWACH. Prophecy is above all.  WE permit you to demonstrate all gifts of the Ruach. We do not pray in tongues as it requires a presense of two or more to interpret only known languages and interpret specific words, repeatedly as any interpreter in the world can. For the sake of order it can be too disruptive and you would be required to write a detailed study on it referencing all aspects of the teaching I have done on it avialable here: SHAVUOT PRAYING IN TONGUES . I also make it available for memebers as a study. Yah may have me pray in Hebrew by the Ruach one day and there will be an intepreter. 


8 YAH IS NOT THE AUTHOR OF CONFUSION: Guidelines for order are detailed last: Leadership dictates the order. Please keep comments short, keep technical discussions off line or for later to not disrupt the flow of the Ruach. If for technical reasons you lose contact, try to get back in. If you must wait till another day, be patient. We provide no technical support. Keep question on topic. If you don't know what that means, research what it means to stay on topic.

·       Morehs will moderate the discussion. We want everyone to comment. You will ALL BE Priests in the Kingdom. We are a family and body.

·       Just say, “may I say something?” Better still, please raise your hand before speaking to prevent cross-talk. It is in the App, where you see the … three dots for reactions.

·       Respect others – keep your mic open insuring you are in a quiet space when not talking, especially if family is about making noise in the background.

·       Do not argue or debate. Respect others views and let them state them. Only respond to questions you are asked directly. If you feel you have the answer, ask to offer it. You do not have to agree, always.

·       Stay on topic. Do not run ahead in the lesson unless it is germane to the discussion.

·       Do not interrupt. Be mic aware. You may be interrupted by instructors, however, to keep the discussion on track for the sake of time, order and the study or clarity or correction on the subject discussed.

·       Scriptures may be provided in the chat and shown on screen, but not always or throughout the discussion. Do have your bible ready with the scriptures. It’s good to mark your bible personally.

·       Please rebuke or correct or admonish privately as per scripture if you have any issues with anyone.

·       Please know that Yah is moving men toward leadership, as much as you are able, respect their headship at all times. Men respect women also.

·       We do not teach polygamy or that women do not teach as there have been many female leaders in Israel.

We welcome newly awakened, "Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations." We don't tolerated foolishness. Romans 14:1 “As a whip for a horse, and a goad for an ass, so is a rod for a simple nation.” Proverbs 26:3

No one needs to be led any further into error than they already are. If you just came out of Christianity or New Age, study all or as many of my videos as able, compare them to the word, and then comment when done.

I will delete foolish comments. Because there are foolish questions, I Proverbs 26: “4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou become like him. 5 Yet answer not a fool according to his folly, lest he seem wise in his own conceit.”

Please respect Yah's way, or you will position me to rebuke you sharply to per wisdom. Titus 9:10” For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake...13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;”

You are not welcome to comment if you think women can’t lead or teach because it clearly happens so often in the bible you make it obvious that you need to:

“Study to shew thyself approved unto Aluhym a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Timothy 2:15 KJV  “Even a fool is thought to be wise when he remains silent; he is thought to be prudent when he keeps his mouth shut.” Proverbs 17:28

With that being said, praise Yahwah. Let's engage in informed and respectful discussions as we pursue the Rwak of Truth together.

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